CS 389 UCA Resources -- Spring '22

MNIST dataset numbers reading '389'

Intro to Machine Learning – University of Massachusetts

Adam’s Office Hours: 3:00 - 4:00 pm on Tuesdays – CS Building USpace (room 144)

Resources (click on whatever you need!)

Getting Started with LaTeX for 389

A Super Brief, Yet Super Awesome, LaTeX Cheat Sheet - Richard Freedman & Philip Thomas

Overleaf - A free-to-use, online collaborative LaTeX environment

Interactive LaTeX Cheat Sheet (Overleaf Template)

“Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes”

Tutorials for Overleaf and LaTeX

Python / Jupyter / PyTorch Setup Guides for Homeworks

Adam's Tutorial Video for Install/Setup of Python & Jupyter Notebook

“Installing Miniconda on Windows”

“Working with Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code”

(supplemental) “Setting Up a New PyTorch Environment”

Homework 6 RL Agent Pong Tournament

Tournament Bracket (online)

Video Replays of Agent Matchups